Year 9
Careers in the Curriculum
Careers Education is part of the curriculum in all Year groups and is delivered in PSHE lessons and during Registration. In Year 9 the main modules are:
Living in the Wider World
- Setting goals: learning strengths, career options and goal setting as part of the GCSE Options process.
- Employability skills: employability and online presence.
Please click below to read a table of activities which will be delivered to Year 9 students during the 2023/2024 Academic Year:
Year 9 Overview
Guidance for Year 9 Pupils
This is an exciting and crucial time for you as you can now begin to tailor your education around what you enjoy and/or steer your education towards a particular career path. It is important that you make the right choices and to help you to do this the Academy has organised an Options Evening on Thursday 7th March 2018 from 5.00pm, in the Sports Hall at our Borough Road Centre. At this event you will be able to obtain more detailed information on each subject available. A Year 9 Options Booklet will be given to you shortly and will be available to download on this website.When deciding on your option choices you need to consider the following:
- What subjects do you enjoy studying?
- What subjects do you perform best in?
- Choose a range of different courses, so that you have a broad base to select your post-16 options from.
- Read the subject information carefully.
- Ask the advice of your Subject Teachers, Form Tutor and the Academy’s Careers Adviser
- Finally discuss your thoughts with your parents.
Guidance for Parents
When your child enters Year 10 they will begin a new phase in their education. The next two years of their schooling is called Key Stage 4. All pupils at the Academy follow a core curriculum which includes Mathematics, English, Science, Physical Education and PSHE/Careers Education (personal, social and health education). As well as the core curriculum students can choose additional options. These options ensure your child has the opportunity to choose subjects for deeper study during the next two years.
As a parent or carer, you are in a great position to support your young person through this process and help them look ahead to consider the implications of their choices. As someone who knows them well, you can discuss their favourite subjects at school and what they might want to do in future. These conversations can help your young person to choose options that reflect their strengths and potentially set them on the path to their future career.
What are the choices to be made?
Details of Option choices can be found by following the link below.
The largest part of the Year 9 Options Booklet is devoted to describing what each of these courses involves. More detailed information on each subject is available to students attending the Academy and information leaflets are available.
If you have any queries regarding the options process please feel free to contact Mr T Willcocks, Assistant Headteacher.