Teaching / Childcare



If you’d like a career working with children there are plenty of choices, whether you want to keep them healthy, help them learn and develop, or protect them from harm.

Are you interested in a career in teaching or nursing children, or considering becoming a paediatrician, child psychiatrist, social worker or playworker?  Many careers involve working with children and not all of them require a degree.  Here are just a few of the careers choices you could make:


DOCTOR: paediatrician, paediatric surgeon, GP, or child and adolescent psychiatrist.

NURSE: children’s nurse, neonatal nurse, or mental health or learning disabilities nurse specialising in working with children.

PSYCHOLOGIST: educational psychologist, child neuropsychologist, or clinical psychologist specialising in working with children.

SOCIAL WORKER: working with children and families, in adoption and fostering, with children leaving care or with young offenders.

NON TEACHING JOBS IN EDUCATION AND CHILDCARE: nursery worker, teaching assistant or playworker.


Primary School Teaching

Primary education is a dynamic and exciting area to study and become involved in. The Open University have produced a free course, the world of the primary school. It introduces the various members of a primary school community, and considers the nature of their involvement and how this has evolved in the UK over recent years. It explores ideas about the primary school curriculum and the role of teachers and support staff in supporting children’s learning.

After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • understand the primary school as a community;
  • further consider the roles, responsibilities and experiences of the various participants in primary school life;
  • discuss what the wide diversity of the roles and responsibilities of its workforce tells us about the nature of primary education today;
  • reflect on personal experiences and ideas relating to primary education.

To start the course click in the box below:

Primary School Teaching

You can understand the health and safety factors involved in working with children in a nursery, with the NurseryVue app (currently available for desktop viewing for both PC and Mac).  NurseryVue provides an accurate, true-to-life picture of what it’s like to work in a nursery setting.  The NurseryVue app builds learner confidence and prepares them for work experience by exploring childcare health and safety issues and solutions from the comfort of your home or school.

Topics include: food and nutrition; physical care routines; unwell children; risks and hazards.  Each topic has a short introduction, an interactive exercise within the nursery, and multiple choice questions at the end.  Click on the button below for more information:
